my niece and nephews playing outside with water during a hot summer day
When we were kids, my sister and I would usually play chinese garter, piko, paper dolls, bahay-bahayan and more. You'd also see us often especially during summer vacations at the tree top where we make a makeshift "house" where we can stay to have a chat or even have a snack.
A day at the grass field where we can run and play . Wow I can still picture those beautiful days in my mind and oh boy we were so carefree and happy that time.
These days, you can see most of the kids just playing computer games, dress up games for girls, playstations, wii and other non-physical games. Though it can help stimulate their minds, it's also important for them to have physical activities. Let them play in your backyard, get dirty and explore new things that they can't normally encounter in front of the computer. In this way, they can discover new things, be active and learn to appreciate what it is like to play outside.
What about you what's your fave games when you where kids?
I remember, we used to play patintero and tumbang preso during our childhood days.
Reply DeleteI do agree that children should be encourage to play and have a physical interaction as this will benefit their personality in the long run and improve their character as a person plus it will boost their physical endurance.
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Oh yeah I forgot about the patintero we do that often too and the piko.. Sad to say ano, these days kids are keen on playing the computer na lang. Thanks for the visit
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