Monday, July 26, 2010

Over Protective

I know every parent will do their best to protect their children at all times but being over protective can also do harm to their children.

Let me share a little story. It was snack time this afternoon and my nephew who is already almost 12 years old ( 1st yr. highschool) was on the other computer and I thought of asking him to buy me a drink at a nearby store. His mom heard it and told me, "ay  'wag, ako na lang ang bibili" (no, i will just buy it). I asked her how come? She said he might stumble on his way. Oh my goodness! How can he learn?

To tell you the truth, I can't even recall an instance where he ride a jeepney  or go to the store for an errand all by himself.  At his age, he needs to grow up. But in fairness to his parents, they've been encouraging him to do things on his own but the poor kid is till afraid bec. he's been shielded all these years.

I just hope he'll learn to be more courageous and independent.

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