One way you can help finance the cost of horse show jumps is to offer a personalized jump as part of a sponsorship package. Many local businesses would be happy to pay for one jump in exchange for having their business logo painted on the jump. The jump would be set for display during the horse show and remain in the ring during the off-season.
Jump sponsorships are an innovative way to pay for the costs of high-quality jumps. Jump sponsors are common in higher end competitions. Anyone who has watched a showjumping Grand Prix on television has probably noticed at least one sponsored fence, and often multiple fences. You can use this same method to help fund your jumps at local shows.
In order to attract companies for this sponsorship opportunity, it helps to prepare a presentation. Make a list of local companies that are likely targets for sponsorship opportunities. Local tack and feed stores make sense, of course, but many non-horse related businesses would be interested in the opportunity.
Your show will probably bring in exhibitors from surrounding areas. These individuals may be unfamiliar with the area. Local restaurants, motels, gas stations and other service industries would jump at the opportunity to have their business information on display during the horse show. You can sweeten the deal by including a certain number of mentions of the sponsor during your show. For example, thank each sponsor over the public address system while the ring is being dragged between classes.
Once you have a list of companies that may be interested in sponsoring a jump for your horse show, visit each one and make your pitch. Let them know when the horse show is, roughly how many exhibitors and spectators you expect to be through the area over the course of the show and have some pictures of sponsored jumps available to show them. The process of approaching sponsors may be intimidating, but you will probably be surprised at how approachable and interested business owners are in this type of opportunity.