Saturday, October 6, 2012

Random Thoughts on Weekend

I woke up with an aching left waist that is radiating from waist down and to my left shoulders or arm. It's not that painful though but it feels like heavy and I'm uncomfortable. I'll just put some liniment on it and hope it will be gone tonight. I'm also a little bit worried about some family issues but I know it will be solved. Like they say we need to have a lot of faith and God will take care of it. I'm just a little worried just like everyone in the family, we're always over reacting to some things that we don't have so much control over it. We sweat small stuff too and I know its not healthy and good. Anyway, I know it will be solved anyway.

I run some errands this morning and it's also good for me for I get to spend some time outside the house. Bought some medicines and hahaha.. 2 blouses at a store as I just can't resist the colors and style of the blouses. Went home, walked Sophie and cooked our lunch. Sometimes my life can be so boring and routine so I wish that I can go out a lot of time or maybe take another vacation.

My cousin and her husband from the US are coming before the month ends and I'll be their tour guide for 3 days. I hope I can be very helpful to them. She booked a tour at Tagaytay and there will be horseback riding. I'm sure it will be fun! Ahhh I just can't wait so I can relax at well.

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