To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ~e.e. cummings, 1955
There are times when we feel down and felt that the world and the people around seems not on our side, all we can ever do is to pray and think positive. We can also meditate as it helps us collect our thoughts and it relaxes us for a while. Sometimes if I feel down I also go online and visit my fave website (like shopping stores) and just browse until I feel good. I don't have to buy though but simply looking at the things I like will veer me away from worries or boredom.
We can also set our own ME time, go to the salon for a foot or hair spa, manicure/pedicure and just pamper yourself. Don;t worry much about your physical looks for it will fade eventually, set aside getting hydroxycut if you can and just focus on your best assets.
Get a hobby (photography and digi-scrapping) are mine. Get into sports, meet new people, date, go out and have fun. Set a goal and dream big, in fact it's always free to dream. Be happy and be yourself!
Aside from getting a hobby, you can also get a hubby! Lol! I usually take a vacation away from my work to feel good. =)
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