Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Decluttering is Refreshing

As you all know we had a mini home make-over this month and re-painting of the whole house made us clean declutter our house. It was really so hard to almost empty a room with all our stuff, putting them on boxes or big plastic bags. It was so dusty and throwing some things are really hard to do.

As promised I wanted a new space in my room, so I decided to throw away lots of my stuff that I have accumulated all those years. It was hard at 1st but it was refreshing and liberating as well. I want less stuff but I hope I can keep up with it because I have the tendency to hoard things haha…

Anyway, I still have some things to throw and organize and I’m not done yet. I hope by Holy Week or so I can do that or else my plans are fail.

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